Sunday, October 19, 2008

Upgrading Debian Etch to Testing on Slicehost

We just got a slice at During the account setup, we have chosen debian etch (stable) as the OS for our slice. And as i sat down to set up the various services on it, i realized that many of the installed packages are not up-to-date !! Eg. ruby is still 1.8.5.

Well, as a part-time linux server admin, i'm definitely not one to live on the edge. But i've always been using the testing branch on my thinkpad, and all my servers are running testing, and to tell you the truth, they are all running FINE. Yup, debian testing is definitely more stable then its name suggests.

Of course, when facing my current etch box, i can opt for compiling from source just to get the newer versions of softwares to run on it. BUT, its a maintenance hell !! This approach is a NO-NO given debian has such a wonderful package manager, apt.

After double checking that slicehost does offer an option to rebuild a slice (just in case something goes wrong, which i don't anticipate, just to be on the safe side), i updated my /etc/apt/sources.list to replace all 'etch' with 'testing' ... hehe ... and with a quick:

#$ apt-get update
#$ apt-get upgrade

I got the packages upgraded to the desired versions ... Hurray !!

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